Thursday, June 22, 2006

What's on TV in Korea?> Travels


Channel 1: I believe this must be the Kimchi channel.

Channel 2: Some kind of dance contest variety show. The host looks a bit like Kim Jong Il.

Channel 3: Lois and Clark: The Adventures of Superman.

Channel 4: US Army programming. Wow this is creepy. They have US television shows interspersed with commercials specifically aimed at our forces stationed in Korea. Also lots of PSAs informing the army soldiers to wear motorcycle helmets, avoid raping the locals and too report any sex slave trafficking. They even have a news show anchored by a woman in fatigues. All of the news in Iraq seemed pretty rosy. Looks like Bush is doing a good job. I guess I will vote Republican next time.

Chanel 5: Smells like rich lady

Channel 6: Soccer highlights

Channel 7: Korean game show called "Name that fish."

Channel 8: Korean soap opera?

Channel 9: Some show about cockfighting


At 5:46 PM, Blogger Claire said...

You do realize that "Name That Fish" will do a bigger splash than "The Iron Chef"? Maybe you should take note for a future show...


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