A New Land Speed Record!> Travels
I took the bullet train down to Kyoto yesterday. I think I may have set a new personal landspeed record at 200mph. The rice paddies intermixed with ugly concrete cities wished by pretty fast. Mt Fuji was hiding out there somewhere in the clouds. Two Taiwanese guys sat across from me on the train even though there were plenty of open seats. One of them, the one pictured on the left, nervously introduced himself to me. He explained to me, voice shaking, that he had never spoken English to anyone outside of his classroom and I was the first white person he had ever spoken to. He kept explaining that he was very nervous, but excited for this opportunity to communicate with me. Over the course of the two hour ride he would ask a question, I would respond and then he would sit back close his eyes and think carefully of another question. Here are some that I can remember:
Do you like Baseball?
Who is your favorite player?
Do you have any siblings?
Are you left or right handed?
Are you scared of spiders? (He was, I am not)
Have you ever been to a Turkish prison?
What are your feeling on Chinese/Taiwanese relations and how do you feel the US would react in case of a Chinese of Taiwan?
Is there a God and if so, how does he/she tolerate so much suffering?
If you were a color, which color would you be?
Do you like Ron Howard more as an actor or a director?
Why don't women find me attractive?
And???? Well?? What are zou? left handed or right handed? Are zou spider lover or are zou den spider yater? Alle the tourists und Deutshce Welt Meisterschaft Fans wünchen es wissen.
(Füssball madness here in Deutschland, not to mention Mexico beat Iran 3-1 last night; mz cousins must´ve gone completelz ape!)
right handed and i respect spiders, but its a fearful respect.
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