Tokyo was OK. It is a big bustling city with the attractions pretty spread out. Lots of modern architecture and interesting uses of technology

. My favorite bit of the latter was the 200 or so robot guides they have throughout the city. They are humanoid in shape, but have wheels, kind of like Rosie from Jetsons, but instead of complaining (Like Rosie) they help tourists get the most out of the city. I met one named Akira. It was hanging out by itself near the Imperial Palace Park standing still. I walked over to it and its motion sensors must have noticed me because it asked me first in Japanese, then in English, then in German, then in Spanish, then in French, where I was from. I said the United States and it then said in English, "Ah the good old USA. Well welcome cowboy." It then told me that it could follow me around, but not up steps, and answer any questions I might have. It was great. It guided me around the gardens and then to the Ginza section of town. Besides answering my questions it occasionaly threw in some strange banter that seemed to be US themed. Some tidbits that I can remember:
So how was the game last night?
I worry about terrorism.
You are pretty slim for an American.
Boy do I like ketchup. I wish I could jump in a tub of it right now.
The other funny thing about the robot is it didn't like physical contact. I touched it to see what it felt like at somepoint and it politely said, "please don't touch me." I touched it again and it said, "I wish you wouldn't do that." I then left my hand on the robot's head and it said, "I am not very comfortable with this" and "you are going to regret this." Then it started yelling for help so I let it go. Anyway, domo arigato Mr. Roboto for being there when I needed you.
Obviously the robot isn't a fan of artificial insemination.
is this true?
have you been jeering the Japanese soccer team on behalf of the Australians? I hope so. I am going to watch Australia be slaughtered by Brazil this Sunday. Should be fun.
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