There was a Stonehenge monument on the stage that was in danger of being crushed by a dwarf!> Travels

Earlier today I went to the real, uncrushable, Stonehenge. Was I overwhelmed? Underwhelmed? Whelmed? It was pretty frickin' cold and raining, which detracted from the moment a bit. Also you can't go anywhere near the stones unless you book a special afterhours tour. My guide told us that it had healing powers at a certain axis of the stones. I stood there for a while and for a moment my congestion cleared up a bit, although that could have been the early numbing stages of hypothermia setting in. In the end I'm glad I was able to visit the big ass rocks and check it off my list of CNN time lapse station identification sites. I would say whelmed was just about the right way to describe my feelings towards this famous ancient site. It will certainly not make my list of the 100 most disappointing tourist attractions. Which I'm sure Derek Smalls of Spinal Tap would appreciate. No Derek, to answer your practical question, we are not gonna do fucking Stonehenge tomorrow.
Once I was there on a family vacation, and it was impossible not to notice a bodybuilder posing for photos in nothing but a red speedo. At age 13 I was not the seasoned traveler I now am, and not knowing any better, I assumed this guy was always there, lined up with the rocks that indicate the solstices. But you got healing powers instead, very nice!
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
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