Friday, May 26, 2006

Norwegian pedestrian Crossing> Travels

Here are some pictures I took of the pedestrian crosswalk lights in Oslo.
As you can see there are two red dudes on top of one green dude. What's the freaking deal? I asked the people working at the tourist info office and they claimed they didn't know why. So I am left to speculate what the extra red guy is for:

-To make it really clear not to cross?

-Showing off the city's largesse?

-Bad urban planning?

-Papal Decree?

-Punk kids up to no good?

-Something to do with cross country skiing and/or whaling?

-Some sort of two tiered system where the elderly, disabled and disenfranchised get more time to cross?

-A product of a country obsessed with pedestrian safety?

-A mindfuck for tourists?

-A tribute to Prince Olaf the VIII, sadly killed by a motor car in the early 20's?

Any ideas?


At 11:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.


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