Fun With Larry's Identity at the Xianxianxian Hotel> Angelo
This is Angelo Vandergluten, Larry's Dutch friend. I met Larry in China. We had good times together. Very erotic at times and not at all awkward.
But I needed money. So I stole Larry's wallet and left him in China to fend for himself.
I am now in the Chinese City of Xianxianxian where fortunately for me, and unfortunately for Larry, they take Visa. I am staying at the luxury hotel called the "Xianxianxian Luxury Hotel."
Below is a picture of my room.

Using Larry's credit card, I then took a subterranean rickshaw to Jianjianjian -- the fashion capital of China -- the Chinese Paris (if you will). I went to a fashion show and saw the latest of what's HOT in China. Here's a picture from the event:
Then I went out to eat in China's fanciest restaurant "McXianjian's." It was awesome. I wish Larry was there with me. I snapped a photo of the main course: "xiandudu." It was like shrimp, but crunchier.
That's all for now. Auf Vanderpooten!
There's stuff in this blog that does not look kosher.
That dish, I hope to God you obtained the recipe. I'm a bit of chef you see, and next time we meet, I can rustle it up and add some salad, providing you bring along a chilled Beaujolais to wash it down.
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