Left Prague, Now in Norway> Travels

This morning I left Prague and flew to Bergen, Norway. The flight took me over a spine of mountains that runs down the interior of this country. The landscape was covered in snow, frozen lakes and rivers. Bergen and its sorounding area was where the snow ended giving way to green forest covered mountains and many Islands dotted with suburbs. In 1978 the Farmers Almanac:International Edition rated Bergen the loveliest place in the world. I am visiting my good friends Jarle and Bentine, who I met last year on my Central America trip. Today Jarle and I visited his family home and the fjord, Lyse Fjord, that it sits on. Then we went into Bergen, which is tiny, but really nice. Infact in the 1982 Farmer's Almanac: International Editon they rated Bergen the best tiny city in the Northern Hemisphere, losing the world title to Brisbane. (In 1984 they finnaly took the title, but it was a somber occasion because in that year the prince of Bergen, Sværre, died of tuberculosis.)
Right now Larry is at a pre-partey with me, Bentine, and some friends of mine! He definetly came at a good time, cause the weather is amazing in Bergen right now!!!! Any way, we are going to show him all of Bergen in just a couple of days, so he is in for a rough one.. Wish us luck!!! Så god helg alle sammen! Det blir nok kjempe bra skal dere se!!!! :-) Skål!!!

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