Larry B was kind enough to invite me to
Prague and show me around town. Well here are some of the sites I encountered along the way. The first picture here is of the
Schwarzenberg Palace. Luckily it was under reconstruction and closed to visitors. I wasn't able to get a good shot of the scaffolding unfortunately, but take it from me, you need to be very careful when working with Sgraffito. Delicate shit. I once spilled some Fanta on Sgraffito.

The next photo is of St. Vitius Cathedral, a huge cathedral within the confines of
Prague Castle. They were doing some restoration work on the building. I like the use of blue netting. Safety first!
The next building is the Belvedere, a 16th century
Summer Palace. Was Mr. Belvedere named after it, I have no fucking clue, but possibly. No, make that probably. Straight forward scaffolding as you can see. Nothing fancy.

Lastly are two pictures of the equestrian statue of Jan Zizka. This is actually the biggest equestrian themed statue in the world. Looks like it has the largest scaffolding saddle in the world too!
Prague is truly a wonderful city.
Doug, you should go to Berlin, you'd love it. Tons of constructions and of course scafholdings, especially in what used to be East Berlin. Got to make the city up to par with the capitalist world!
I did go to berlin at some point, let me see if I can scrape together some of my photos from that trip.
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