OK, so I am finally out of China, so I can access my blog now. Thanks for looking after the dog Pink Wizard, but did you have to let him crap all over the carpet, and toilet seat? Right, I'm in a bit of a rush so I will make this quick. The train ride from Beijing to Ulan Bator was pretty cool. Mostly played cards and tried to learn Mongolian. Sain Times!

Ulan Bator is also nice. These Mongolians are tough. I saw some guy getting strangled on the street by a meter maid. Some other guy explained to me that the guy was parked illegally. So that is what a Mongolian parking ticket looks like. I am heading into the wild tomorrow morning for some horse riding, camping and Gerring. www.gertoger.com. 5 steps to becoming a nomad. It's not a tour really, just some gers that know I am coming and will make sure their dogs don't attack me.
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