Small Hands, Smell like Cabbage> Travels

Scary shit.
Somewhat daily musings (Dec 2005-Dec 2006)of a traveler, mayor, rogue and business consultant going by the nom de guerre of Larry Beethoven.
Sorry about the long absence. I now have an interweb connection, but alas, I have been a bit lazy. Kyra and I have been enjoying our last week together, in Prague. She is off to London on Monday, I am off to the US on Tuesday and that's about all I will write on the subject.
Surprise! One Man Luge is still being written from a wi-fi internet cafe. That's right, I still do not have internet at my apartment and it won't be installed until Monday at the earliest. This is after my landlord promised it would be ready the day I moved in, this past Friday. Then later they promised it would be up on Tuesday. Then I found out that they had in fact never ordered the internet. So I had to order the internet myself and the internet company told me it would be ready by Thursday, today. I called them today and they told me it won't be installed until Monday. All this so I can have internet for one week to do my job. I am so sick of this shit.
Today's NY Times has an op-ed from Tom Friedman on Biofuels. Just read the first three paragraphs to further illustrate how backwardsass our energy policy is.
I was surfing around on the interweb and I stumbled upon these “Girfacts”. Good times!
So I am now in a new flat in Prague. How did this happen? On Thursday Kyra and I had just gotten back from a nice walk and lunch in our neighborhood. We were in our wonderful apartment and I received a call on my mobile from the owner of the apartment. She told me in very broken English that three Finish girls, who had come by and seen the place the day before, wanted to rent the apartment for a year and then buy it. She told me that Kyra and I would have to move out the next day. Fuck.
I just read an interesting article in Foreign Affairs Magazine entitled “Russia Leaves the West” by Dmitri Trenin. It explained why Putin and Russia have been paying less heed to Western criticism lately and what the future portends. I knew the main reason was that the price of oil is very high and they have a lot of oil. The other reason, which seems pretty obvious, but I hadn’t really though about it, is that Russia doesn’t like the way the Western world treats it. Since the fall of the Soviet Union we have treated them like a developing country instead of the 1st world nation they think they are. Just one example is we let them into the G-7, but they haven’t been given full membership privileges. They feel like the West gives them shit no matter what they do. (Gee, can you think of another Superpower that gets shit no matter what it does?) So much like a pregnant teen on Jerry Springer they said fuck it, “We do what we want… Whatevah.” Anyway, I understand their perspective more now, but I still have some serious problems with Russia. I wrote this in my journal while traveling but forgot to add it to my blog: