Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Brazilian Sugar Ethanol> Politics

Today's NY Times has an op-ed from Tom Friedman on Biofuels. Just read the first three paragraphs to further illustrate how backwardsass our energy policy is.

"I asked Dr. José Goldemberg, secretary for the environment for São Paulo State and a pioneer of Brazil’s ethanol industry, the obvious question: Is the fact that the U.S. has imposed a 54-cents-a-gallon tariff to prevent Americans from importing sugar ethanol from Brazil “just stupid or really stupid.”

Thanks to pressure from Midwest farmers and agribusinesses, who want to protect the U.S. corn ethanol industry from competition from Brazilian sugar ethanol, we have imposed a stiff tariff to keep it out. We do this even though Brazilian sugar ethanol provides eight times the energy of the fossil fuel used to make it, while American corn ethanol provides only 1.3 times the energy of the fossil fuel used to make it. We do this even though sugar ethanol reduces greenhouses gases more than corn ethanol. And we do this even though sugar cane ethanol can easily be grown in poor tropical countries in Africa or the Caribbean, and could actually help alleviate their poverty.

Yes, you read all this right. We tax imported sugar ethanol, which could finance our poor friends, but we don’t tax imported crude oil, which definitely finances our rich enemies. We’d rather power anti-Americans with our energy purchases than promote antipoverty."


At 10:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is the Thomas Friedman article formula:

The other day, while visiting the minister of _____ in the booming industrial city of _____, I asked the minister what he thought of _____. When he told me ________, I almost choked on my (ethnic food he was eating with said minister).

Its obvious that the Bush administration needs to (whatever words the minister who wined him and dined him put in his mouth). Got it?


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