Thursday, March 16, 2006

Street Justice?> Officer Beethoven

I have gotten some emails from readers asking why haven’t written about my police work lately. Well the truth is I have been suspended from the force. If you remember I chased a guy who was peeing on a car into the street and he was hit by a tram. Unfortunately he died of internal bleeding and it is standard practice to put volunteers on indefinite probation when their actions lead to a death. Vaclav assures me this happens all the time so I shouldn’t worry. He said worst case, if they don’t reinstate me, I could go rogue and become some kind if vigilante. I guess I’d need to come up with some a name/costume theme. Some ideas off the top of my head:

The Spleen?
Colonel America? (I’d be armed with ketchup and economic sanctions)
The Self-Hating Jew?

Justice may just have a new name! (Coming soon to the Lifetime Network!)


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