Wow, my very own toilet!> Expated
I managed to find a new apartment on my second day back in Prague. The one I was supposed to move into is still under construction so I ended up hiring a Real Estate agent and paying through my nose, teeth and 7 out of my ten fingers for a pretty stinking nice flat. It is the apartment of a nice woman who owns a 60's antique store. She is using the rent money I am paying to go on a vacation and possibly buy a small island in the Caribbean. The apartment has two bedrooms, a living room, dining room, piano, kitchen and an Eastern European torture toilet. (If you don't know what one of those is, a clue is it involves a shelf within in the toilet. By the way, this is not a plus for the apartment.) I have three beds in the place so if you ever wanted to visit me in Europe, now would be the time. It is well decorated with stuff too. In fact it was featured on the style segment of a Czech TV show, linked to right here. Fast forward to the 20th minute of the half and hour show. There is my landlord showing some of her things. Anyway, good times. Also, just in case you were wondering, I do not have to share the toilet with a gynecologists office. The realtor thought it was strange when I insisted this specific clause be entered into the lease, but better to be safe than sorry. Sorry= Venereal Disease.

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