Saturday, February 04, 2006

Tram Duty> Officer Beethoven

So tonight I was able to put in some more time volunteering for the police. I met Vaclav in Prague 7 and he greeted me with a hand shake. I'll be honest, I was somewhat concerned that he would give me another hug. That would have made me feel uncomfortable. Anyway, Vaclav was able to score me a uniform, a reward that most volunteers don't get until they have put in at least 8 hours on the force. Today we were on tram duty. The city has ticket enforcers that come onto trams and make sure everyone has a ticket. Sometimes people will try to run off of the trams to get away and that's where we come in. We provide back-up for the enforcers, tackling and lightly beating runners. It was kind of like football, good times. I still don't have a club yet so Vaclav had to do all the beating, but I did help hold a perp down. Anyway, only our first tram had runners so after that there wasn't much action and a s a result I started getting cold. After 45 minutes I told Vaclav I would have to call it a night. I also grabbed some tickets to see Don Giovanni at the National theatre.


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