Friday, February 03, 2006

The Democratic Response> Politics

First off, who the fuck is Tim Kaine? Do they decide who gives speeches by some form of lottery? I am really glad he spoke about Virginia. I had no idea how little I could care about this state. It is the State of the Union jackass! Not the state of your state, although that does sound like a good name for a TV program that I should produce. Much like the fact that the Super Bowl should only be held in New Orleans, San Diego and Miami, only Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and that guy who played David Palmer on 24 should speak for the Democratic party.

Second, did you hear any big, inspiring ideas during his entire 10 minute speech. Anything to convince swing voters that the Democrats have any ideas other than the Republicans suck? It's called leadership! Not despairship, complainship or patheticship. You are on notice Democrats! I will throw my vote away on an independent if you don't get your act together and stand for something.

I wrote those 5 big ideas with this situation in mind, telling America that we stand for something. What if Barack had given the rebuttal and said that the Democrats stand for:
1. Universal health care
2. Raising the Gasoline tax and taking other concrete steps to cut ourselves off of oil
3. Nationwide impartial redistricting
4. Really taking the money out of politics

Then throw in a little, "We understand that there are things that Americans disagree on, but we musn't distract ourselves with issues like abortion, stem cell research and gay marriage when their are so many important challenges facing our great country." There you've got my vote. Tim Kaine's catch phrase that he kept repeating throughout the speech was "there's a better way." Well could you tell us what that better way would be?


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