Kamikaze> Doug Moldover, Guest blogger

On Larry's suggestion I took a vacation in Asia this Summer as well. Here is a photo of Yakumoto, a man I met in Kyoto. As you can tell by the scaffolding, he's a painter. I liked the guy, but come on man, that scaffolding is putting you and passerbys in grave danger. In fact I was so worried I said to him, "Ohio my Japanese friend. Your scaffolding is weak. Are you on some kamikaze mission." The bi-latteral connecting joints looked terrible so I climbed up on the scaffolding and reinforced them with some gaffers tape. I know, it's a quick fix, but I also used a layer of 1/4 inch steel wire to give it some more strength. Hey painters, leave the scaffolding to the big boys!
Doug, have you considered a career in development? Or a post-career, as in, after you retire from your job, you could go into helping developing countries build proper scafholding? Again and again I have seen this incredible source of knowledge emanating from you on the subject. Of course, in the case of Japan, where, as you probably have seen, most of the development was completed with the help of American reconstruction money after WWII, you might call that 'consulting'.
Bring back teh pink wizard!!!!!11
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