Going to the Country, Going to Pick a lot of Mushrooms> Expated
This past weekend I went with some friends for a weekend out of town in a small village 2 and a half hours from Prague. There we camped, went to a party for Blacksmiths and picked mushrooms. Allow me to elaborate. We began the trip with Kyra, Nate, Katka and I on a bus playing 20 questions across several rows of non-descript, somewhat interested Czechs. The best answers:
"Wind shield wiper"
"That thing that breaks the glass on a bus when it flips over"
"A first base coach"
"Kyra's Belly"
"Two Iains in a wheat egg"
The bus took us to a Karlovy Vary, an old Czech spa town. If you ever wanted to find a lot of old Russian women drinking urine flavored natural mineral water in square-ish shaped ceramic mugs with handles that double as straws, well, you are a sick freak. Oh and this is the place for you. There was lots of nice looking architecture, spigots with different tasting and temperatured water and tourists. Ummm...tourists.
From there we took a train to this small village where we went to some small castle for a

From there we went to a friends house and camped in his backyard for the night. The next

Gorgeous photo of Kyra in the forest!!
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