The Soda Companies Are Evil > by the Pink Wizard, fighting for the little guy.
I posted this at my blog, but nobody reads my blog so I am posting it again here. This is my finest blog entry ever. Here we go:
Today I was on the road with wife on the way to Wing Haven Gardens, a local hot spot for bird-watching and flower sniffing. Anyway, I'm not going to talk about Wing Haven Gardens. I'm going to talk about what happened on the way to Wing Haven Gardens.
On the way to Wing Haven gardens, wife and I realized we were both thirsty and did not bring anything to drink. So we stopped at the local supermarket for a cold drink. The only cold drinks there were 20 ounce bottles of soda. That's pretty standard these days. Vending machines only sell 20 ounce bottles. The days of buying a can of coke are gone. This is messed up. The soda copanies are supersizing us whether we like it or not. You either have to buy 20 ounces or nothing at all.
According to the nutrition info on the back of the soda bottle, each 20 ounce bottle consists of 2 and a half servings. Well, there you go. That's why 99.9% of Americans are fat, diabetic and gassy.
People are drinking the liquid equivalent of a sugar plantation with every 20 ounce coke.I am a hearty eater and drinker. But a 20 ounce soda bottle is just way to extreme. Does any reader of this fine blog actually drink these 20 ounce sodas? If so, you are a fat diabetic lard-ass and you should be shot like the sick horse you are.

Or you could just buy an overpriced water. I agree, those soda companies are bastards, but soda is pretty darn bad for you so you might as well skip it all together. Save that soda money, buy an 8 ball instead. Also, why throw on the Mo picture? You have a coke bottle on your page. Stop putting my life in danger.
OK, the photo has been replaced by one I took in Prague. Notice the snow.
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