Monday, January 23, 2006

Big Idea #7, Ban Recycling, > Pink Wizard, guest columnist.

Dear Beethovenians,

When I was a young wizard, knee-high to a hamster, I was told of the virtues of recycling.It will save the rainforest, blah blah blah.

When I was a teenager, I began to question authority. So for no reason at all I decided that recycling was stupid. And I listened to Green Day but that's another story I'm too embarassed to tell.

A couple months ago I saw an epispode of Penn and Teller's "B.S." in which they did an exposee on why recycling really is pointless, thus confirming my long-held suspicion. According to the show, recycling facilities pollute a whole lot with their smokestacks and mac trucks, and we aren't running out of trees since we get paper from tree farms. And we aren't running out of landfill space either. And in addition to being pointless, recycling is expensive. There were some other points but I either forgot them or can't articulate them.

Now I'm a little embarassed to say that I get my scientific information from Penn and Teller. So I just did a google search and found some fancy report on why recycling is pointless. I did not read this report, but at least now I can cite the report instead of Penn and Teller. And you can read it if you are so inclined. If you're not, trust me recycling is dumb. Don't do it.

If the democrats took up the anti-recycling position they would get lots of republican votes and they'd win the election and everything would be hunky dory and all problems in the world would be solved and gay people would get married and have abortions and everybody would have health care and Karl Rove would go to jail where he would be raped and NO TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH and the government would only spy on people if they got a warrant from Judge Judy and there'd be a gas tax and we'd celebrate diversity and certain guns would be illegal so nobody would get shot unless in a hunting accident and there'd be no more hurricanes and if there was it wouldn't be a problem because FEMA would help black people and all Supreme Court nominees would be approved by Ted Kennedy and there'd be no death penalty unless your husband says you wanted to die if you ever went into a coma and then BAM you go into a coma HOW DARE YOU QUESTION MY PATRIOTISM? and Elian Gonzalez would be rescued from the Halliburton compound in Waco where he is being held hostage by Pat Robertson and Clarence Thomas who are gay like Dick Cheney's daughter not like there's anything wrong with that and there'd be no more wars because Dr. Phil would be the head of the UN and everybody would just work out their problems at the UN security council therapy sessions and the 10 commandments would be removed from the courthouse and replaced with a statue of Michael Moore with his arms chopped off like the Venus di Milo and Jimmy Carter would be cryogenically frozen along with Ted Williams and Strom Thurmond's illegitemate daughter would become captain of the USS Enterprise with her husband, Warren Beatty who invented Ultimate Frisbee in 1962 with Vladimir Nabokov who incidentally would oversee the Swift Boat Vets in their musical adaptation of "Great Expectations" based on the classic novel by Charles Dickens, who by the way, would be given a holiday in October to replace Columbus Day which is offensive to Native Americans who had their land stolen from them by Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh, who are now using the Indian land to cultivate a unique hybrid of marijuana and maize which they call "maizeajuana," and this herb will be smoked by victims of glaucoma in Oregon where Harry Belafonte will advocate their right to ban Wal-Mart and so on and so forth.


At 5:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least in Toronto, recycling does save money. It means less garbage that we need to truck to Michigan - and there are net savings from not having to make those extra trips over the border...apparently.

Which reminds me of the most important point. FINALLY Canada is shipping the trash over to the US, rather than just accepting the flow from the opposite direction for once.

Don't even get me started on the air pollution we deal with in the Summer, which comes largely from, you guessed it, the US.

The Ontario government is currently part of a class action suit against Ohio for their poor air quality standards and the effect it's having on the health of Canajians.

My final point. Nuclear power isn't even all that bad. Take Australia for example which doesn't have enough water to make hydro viable, and for some reason has almost no wind farms (I've read somewhere they're expensive to maintain) but retains a ridiculous "no nuclear power" stance and therefore - BURNS COAL to make electricity. It's just embarassingly backward if you think about it.

The coal burns which heats water to make steam to turn the turbines to make electricity... how quaint.

If you really really regulate nuclear waste the nuclear power industry (the former USSR and the US, I am looking at you guys)- you'll have much less harm done to the environment than what burning coal does.

At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jesse,

Did ya enjoy my rant?

back to work now. I am losing my mind with work.

I will call you/email when I emerge.


At 12:00 AM, Blogger Larry Beethoven said...

That's a great rant. However, the point of my 5 big ideas was to help Democrats get elected. I don't think many voters care whether recyling is worthwhile or not. Speaking of those 5 big ideas, James Carville and Paul Begala just put out a book called "Take it back" outlining what the Dems should do to get back in power. I saw them interviewed on Meet the Press this past weekend and they mentioned energy independence, vowing to eliminate corruption and talking to voters about relgious/social issues as ways to get more votes.


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