Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Pull up a seat> Warm Beverage Discussions

Politics are complicated and there will always be counter arguments and consequences for every idea and action. This is what should keep a Democracy towards slowly realizing the will of its people. Unfortunately our current White House won't listen to counter arguments of its ideas and has ignored the consequences of its actions. As a result a good amount of the World isn't exactly enamored with Mr. Bush and the United States.

I would like Democrats to have the reigns of power once again. Obviously we are doing something wrong in presenting our party to voters. Our greatest failure in my opinion has been our lack of big ideas. Bush has done a horrible job, yet we still lost in 2004. Kerry ran his campaign on Bush's failings. He should have run his campaign on big ideas that would inspire people to vote for him instead of dissuade people from voting for Bush. I wish we had learned that lesson, but our timid representatives still do not present a clear vision of what they would do to improve this country.

The ideas I will present on this blog are by no means new, but I hope to share them with my readers and through the comments section start some kind of conversation. I can't get you all together for cups of warm beverages so this will have to do. Please join in.


At 7:37 PM, Blogger Larry Beethoven said...

To Eytan:
Never. I'll never turn to the Dark Side. You've failed, your highness. I am a Democrat, like my father before me. However, please enlighten me with your Republican views. I am pretty sure you are the only one of your kind reading this blog so you will have to play Bush's advocate.

At 7:39 PM, Blogger Larry Beethoven said...

And I do know that Luke is technically a Republican...

At 9:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrats or Republicans. You're all practically fascists compared to the Canadians.
Of course you're not going to have to trudge off to the polls in a snowstorm in January to vote in another minority government that won't last 2 years.


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